Time is an interesting concept. We don’t really give it much thought. We just notice it happening before our eyes and in our minds. We witness it, we can’t escape it.
We think of the past and we imagine the future. They are necessary ‘tools’ for us to exist and thrive. But they can also hold us back if we get stuck worrying about them. They only exist in our imagination.
We are convinced time is a ‘thing’.
But, is it? What does reason tell us?
Albert Einstein thought about time. He thought about it a lot. And, when he had his first paper published back in 1905:
it was just a thought experiment. No math necessary. And yet, the implications were astounding. It’s important to realize what he proved with a simple thought experiment.
So, if time varies, is it even a ‘thing’? The inescapable fact is that time only exists in our imagination. That’s pretty hard to fathom, but it’s true. We see ourselves ‘age’. It has to be a ‘thing’.
But, there is another way of looking at reality. Reality is only NOW. Time is only an illusion. We are a witness to creation! Happening right before our very eyes! It is a process. We are a process. Every ‘thing’ is not really a ‘thing’ but a process. Pick up a rock. Look at it. How long will it be a rock? Forever? No, not hardly. There are processes going on in and around the rock while you are holding it. It’s the same with every other ‘thing’ in the universe! Every ‘thing’ is a function of time.
Forever. Another word that only exists in our imagination. There is no such ‘thing’ as ‘forever’. Understandably, these concepts are difficult to comprehend but they are indisputably true if you use your power of reason to work through them.