As I make my way up my favorite steep trail towards the north rim, the sound of crunching gravel and sand beneath my feet reminds me to stay mindful else I get painful reminders of the unforgiveness of gravity.
The gobble of the turkeys and the mournful cry of the quail call out in the distance. Is it a call for mates or is it a warning to others to keep their distance?
The still air glides along my glistening arms punctuated by wafts of sweet fragrance from the flowering Buckeye who’s pollen and nectar laden spires bow in subservience to the buzzing bees and hummingbirds.
The bright sun reflects off the three lobed leaves of the poison oak taunting me to get closer.
The sharp pricks of the ripening star thistle on my legs remind me of who’s the boss on this trail.
Feelings of profound gratitude that I get to experience the one true never-ending miracle of creation happening right before my very eyes. Another glorious morning!