Particles or Waves?

I talk a lot about how we live in a manufactured reality.

Part of the problem is we look at the world in terms of “particles” or nouns. We see “things”. But that’s not really the way it is. The truth of the matter, the physics of the matter, is that it’s pure energy. Our reality is one continuous “verb”.  Everything is connected even though we don’t see all the connections.

Don’t get me wrong, we need the illusion of particles. It’s how we navigate the universe. It’s how we stay alive.  But it is an illusion nonetheless.

And if we can adjust our consciousness and recognize this then we start to behave differently. We start to view reality differently.

When we start to view reality as the flow of energy or the interaction of energy fields our ego takes on much less significance. We understand it’s only an artifice of “particle thought” needed to keep us alive. So instead of separateness we experience Oneness.

After all, it’s only our ego that prevents us from experiencing the true Joy of being a witness to Creation.


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